


Born noon (12 pm) Tuesday 26th July 2011 


Sincerity in Love – letting go, we're already forgiven



First thoughts 

Zachariel brings a new sense of hope and optimism and stimulates creativity. Where there has been a lack of confidence, a new confidence now ensues.

The birth of this Archangel is related to the presence of King Arthur and rules the solar aspect of ourselves whilst also working closely with Kuthumi, and thus was the inspiration for Pythagoras. The balancing of polarities so that a sense of unification may come about.

The hidden peace, the blue/blue (B2) confirms Zachariel as the Archangel of Peace and is also related to Tzadkiel (B99). Restores a sense of dignity where dignity has been lost.

In Egypt he was known as Amun. He provides a deep level of protection and harmony and presents us with a new vision, a vista for the times that are to come. 

This Archangel supports symmetry and harmony both in geometry and in our own thoughts and development. He may assist in bringing the emotions of harmony and balance back and to clarify the thoughts where there has been confusion. Thus he brings the possibility to balance the functions of the brain that have been out of balance – a sense of re-ordering.

There is also a synonymity with Jupiter and Zeus, providing expansion, creativity and re-unification, to stimulate the helio-centric point of view. This brings the possibility to honour the present moment as an access to the eternal. To enter the 'here and now' with a sense of optimism based in intuition – inner tuition. 

With Love & Light
Mike Booth


Further thoughts:

In this bottle the love from above (magenta) supports us in letting go of the bitterness of the past (olive). The bitterness, not only personal, not only related to the fears that surround the bitterness but also within the genetic and ancestral situation. There are patterns within the RNA/DNA which reflect the bitterness of the past. The understanding of how our disappointments, our sense of betrayal, our sense of conflict within ourselves can only be supported by the love from above or the grace when it comes in. 
How do we, individually, come to terms with those things as they arise out of the collective, the ancestral roots or the personal experience where we feel we have been let down in love? However justified we may feel, however we may feel that someone else has contributed to that, what do we do when we contribute to that in ourselves? We deny the love from above, the support that is there for us and indeed the love that is the basic ground upon which we walk. 
The only way to a new sense of hope, of love, of what the caring and the warmth can come to be, is to let go of the fears. In that letting go we may recognise the sense of resolution for the bitterness within the depth of ourselves as we put the love, caring and warmth into all of the small things that we do each day. The only way towards the resolution that we seek is to acknowledge the caring and warmth in the little things that we do. 
The magenta energy affects the family group that could be called the 'constellation' and into which we project ourselves into our world. Sometimes it has been referred to as the nuclear family and how the hope and a new spirit can enter this situation. Perhaps this is why this magenta is slightly more in the direction of pink than the colour we have previously called magenta. It can be referred to as a new magenta and a new olive because what is being asked of us is to really let go. To let go of what we have relied upon, what has created difficulties for ourselves and for others as we have come into these situations that have brought up the olive experience. 
The olive process is always 'letting go' of the bitterness where the olive goes through the process of marination to reveal the gold within. It is an alchemical possibility to resolve that olive and to find the true sweetness of spirit where the spirit reveals itself anew. A new sense of hope, a new sense of the awakening force arising within ourselves. 
The 109 reduces by adding 10+9 = 19 (outward journey of The Sun. The return journey comes in the 97)
The 19 =1 + 9 = 10 (outward journey) 88 (return journey)The 10/88 combination speaks about Karma and Dharma. 
This is a very potent bottle in relation to the karmic seeds. To look at the karmic seeds is to look at what is coming up moment to moment. Why do we believe so strongly that those seeds responsible for our thoughts and feelings are based entirely in our own experience? Why do we not consider that those thoughts arising in the content of mind may be the consequence of conditioning by the parents or grandparent or perhaps even deeper conditioning from within our ancestral roots? 
When we experience a sense of bitterness, maybe jealousy or a sense of wanting to be in another's space, we identify that as being a consequence of our own experience rather than what we are there to transmute – the fears that we need to let go of to come into a new space, that we may receive the grace, the love from above, the love in the little things. 
The B109 is also a B19 (10 + 9). The B19 is to do with the sun, the solar energy, the king within ourselves, the connection with Arthur. In the recent time at Uisneach, Ireland, the group that visited had an opportunity to sit in the throne on Lughs Mound (the mound of light). That experience became part of the birth of Zachariel which was in the process of coming into being. 
There is the opportunity to realise that we are a king in our own kingdom in the temple of our body. We sit in that throne of ourselves ready to receive the inspiration of the light and open to the love from above. The light in the form of caring and warmth is available to us from above that we may be nurtured in the process of taking responsibility, the ability to respond to the situations that we find ourselves in as we begin to recognise the true king within us.
The king is the one that helps all the princes or lords of the body to come into order. Those princes are the organs of the body, the connections are the meridians, the energy channels that connect even to the extremities of our body, the kingdom of ourselves. That king is also synonymous with the emperor within, the ruler of the kingdom of ourselves, of our whole world and being. To sit in that throne and know that the descent at this point in time comes as a descent of light, in the present, the here and now. 
The middle of the word 'AURA', the 'UR' where the source of light came from, the solar aspect within ourselves. The 'SOMA', the light of the moon synonymous with the body, the light body of Aura-Soma echoed in Zachariel. The coming together of the sun and the moon within ourselves. 
When we look into this we are looking into a future possibility where responsibility for ease within ourselves takes on a different note: the ability to respond in whatever circumstance or situation we may meet. Do we identify with the patterns of the past or do we wish to open ourselves to our new possibility? A possibility in relation to caring, warmth and love, that by letting go of the bitterness and fears of the past, transmutation of the gold may come about. The letting go of 'dis-ease'. 
During the Process of Individuation course in Ireland earlier this week the group visited the Cat Stone. We saw how this stone represents the four quarters – the north, south, east and west. We spoke a lot about the 'here and now', the fifth direction or dimension in the light grid matrix. 
Wherever we find ourselves this bottle is there to remind us of the opening to the eternal from the 'here and now' provided we can let go into the moment. The possibility is to become as present with what is happening now by letting go of the past to meet the moment in its newness and freshness. In so doing we meet others in their newness and freshness rather than projecting into the future or burdening them with how we saw them in the past. 
The only place we can resolve anything is in the 'here and now'. The o
nly place we can come to resolution within ourselves is in the 'here and now', in the moment where that moment reveals itself in truth. 

The truth of the olive is the hope, the hope in the awakening force that lies within each of us where the caring and warmth of the magenta energy comes in and from above, to nurture the space for the soul to incarnate more fully. 

With Love & LightMike Booth

Birth of Archangel ZacharielBy Marelna du Plessis
'You can't depend on your judgment when your imagination is out of focus.' John F Kennedy
When Archangel Zachariel was born 12? 52' Libra was rising on the Eastern horizon: Libra symbolically begins the road home. The cycle from Aries to Virgo has a much more physical goal – perfecting the body as the vehicle for the soul. With Libra we step into the cycle of integration and union – both physically and spiritually. In a very real sense the energies of Libra open our awareness to higher spiritual impulses that are not only concerned with the individual nature of the soul, but provide glimpses of the nature and the purpose of the One and our place in the Greater Plan.
Saturn is the spiritual ruler of Libra and when located in Libra and so close to the ascendant as it is at 11? 57', the combination of energies is indeed a potent one compelling us to act according to the Divine Plan. Venus, also associated with Libra, is the highest planet in the chart at 27? 20' Cancer, further attuning us to the impulses of our soul. The illuminating power of Venus will compel us to interpret our physical desires in terms of their spiritual origins.
With the Lunar North Node at 22? 51' Sagittarius (Archangel Jeremiel was born with the Sun at 22? 23' Sagittarius) Jupiter gains prominence (as the ruler of Sagittarius) and brings its spiritual vision into our consciousness further enabling us to intuitively discern our place in the Greater Whole.
Gemini entails the joining of two opposites – spirit and matter – and their development in relation to the other. The challenge for Gemini is to unite spirit and matter – an underlying theme in this chart as both the Moon and Mars are in Gemini. The Moon in Gemini sharpens the rational mind and focuses our awareness on the duality of our nature, hopefully in such a way that we are able to unite its two aspects in a coherent fashion. 'They can be a great help – words. They can become the spirit's hands and lift and caress you.' Meister Eckhart. With Mars in Gemini we will be driven to resolve duality into unity – a wonderful support to bring spiritual energy into physical manifestation. 
The underlying theme of integrating polarities is taken one step further with both the Sun in Leo and Neptune in Pisces in their own signs – perhaps best explained with the Sabian symbol for the ascendant: Children blowing soap bubbles – a symbol of men playing at imagining themselves as evanescent spheres of multi-coloured radiance. 'A symbol of IMAGINATIVE PLAY, which foreshadows the idea of global man, the man of plenitude.' Dane Rudhyar 
A few Sabian Symbols: 
Moon: An aeroplane performing a nose dive. Keynote: A superior ability to challenge nature and play with danger. One may describe it as MIND versus MATTER or as man's will against the fate that gravitation so aptly symbolises. 
Mars: A gardener trimming large palm trees. Keynote: Bringing under control nature's power of expansion. There is a repeated need for PRUNING
Venus: An Indian girl introduces her white lover to her assembled tribe. Keynote: Inner rebirth through a total acceptance of the primordial values manifest in the human body and its natural functions. What is shown here is an emotional and warm commitment to the RETURN TO NATURE. 
Saturn: Miners are surfacing from a deep coal mine. Keynote: The need to carry at ever deeper levels the quest for knowledge which keeps burning the fires of a collective mind of a society. The coal miner brings to the surface the ancient remains of what once was living substance. Keyword: EXTRACTION













